Prison break was an american television serial drama which was televised from 2005-2009, releasing four seasons and 81 episodes in total. The story is based around Michael (pictured right) and Lincoln Schofield (pictured left). Lincoln is wrongly incarcerated for a murder he did not commit, and Michael, a structural engineer devises an elaborate plan for his brother to escape.
Michael commits an armed robbery, which means that he is too incarcerated at Fox River State Penitentiary with Lincoln. Whilst there, he plans and succesfully exectutes the escape plan with his brother, however, also with several other prisoners, who had learnt of Michael's plan and threatened to tell the authorities.
The next three seasons follow their escape from the authorities, and the storyline twists when "The Company", who were responsible for framing Lincoln, also start pursuing them. Until the last few episodes, the story revolves around The Company and the authorities pursuing and sometimes arresting the fugitives, and the opportunities for the fugitivies to negotiate their freedom.
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