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Friday, 1 April 2011

Production Notes

So far, Bradley and me have filmed several times, producing a few minutes of footage, which we narrowed down (e.g. removing poor clips.) During our filming, we constantly think up new ideas which we wouldn’t have thought of previously. However, this sometimes causes a problem as the shots or scenes can sometimes detract from the plot of the opening sequence.

One shot in particular we wanted to do was inspired by other spoofs, such as Hot Fuzz and more recently, Kick-Ass. They parody older action/superhero movies, and their use of a rapid zoom onto the character’s eyes. Although this took us a while to do perfectly, we felt that the resulting shot added to the feel of our film.

Another shot that we want to do, but haven’t yet, is a low angle shot. However, as this shot is used regularly in films today, we still need to think of a twist that would make the shot seem clichéd. The result of this will hopefully be that the audience reacts in a different way than the low angle shot normally would prompt. Instead of the character being portrayed as heroic and brave, it will hopefully look cheap and over-used.

We also need to do more on our editing and sound that would add to the feel of the opening sequence. For example, we will be filming a few scenes shortly that use fast-cutting editing, as this technique is also used a lot in action movies, to add to their intense feel. However, in our piece we hope that by using this frequently it will reverse the effect, as the frequent use of this technique will make the scene look nervous and rushed.

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